The Loveland Frogman: Giant Frogs or Tailless Lizards?

The Loveland Frogman: Giant Frogs or Tailless Lizards?

Not so deep in the wood of Loveland Ohio on a roadway into the small town our Loveland Frogman legend takes form. Sightings of the Loveland Frogman started back in 1955 in Loveland Ohio. To date there have only been 4 sightings, the most recent one in 2016. The Loveland Frogman (or Loveland Lizard as it is also referred to) is described in all accounts as 3-4 feet tall, with leathery skin and a distinctly frog-like face. 

The very first sighting in 1955 is a fantastical story. Robert Hunnicott was a business man on his way home late at night (or early in the morning, it was reportedly 3:30 AM, you be the judge of what he was up to!) Near the roadside, he saw three figures and pulled his car over to observe. He claims to have seen 3 reptilian creatures standing on hind legs congregated together. Leathery, grey skin and froggy face, with wrinkles all over their body. He claimed to watch them for several minutes until one of them held a “wand” above it’s head and sparks began to fly from it. 

The two sightings in 1972 were both by police officers who reported to see the Frogman on the road. The first report was anonymous but the officer saw a creature on the side of the road and slowed, thinking it was a dog out in the cold and icy weather. Suddenly the animal darted in front of his cruiser and scurried on hind legs over the guard rail on the other side. His report stated the creature was roughly 3-4 feet tall. Another officer went to investigate the location later that day and found the distinct scratch marks where it would have crossed over the railing.

Not long after the first officer’s sighting, a second officer reported the same creature! He claimed to see an animal in the middle of the icy road, and thinking it was roadkill, slowed to move it out of the traffic then watched it stand and scurry away when he approached. According to the report, he was so shaken by the encounter that he fired a shot at the creature! Later he reneged his initial statement saying that he only fired at it hoping to kill it to show his fellow officer that it was just a very large pet lizard without a tail. 

However, in 2016 some friends were playing Pokemon Go and reported seeing the Frogman! The footage that they caught looks pretty suspicious… but we would love to see more sightings of this woodland Frogman!

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